Sunday, December 30, 2012

Pre-birthday presents...

The night before Christmas Eve, we braided Emily's hair after bath so it would be all curly for Christmas Eve celebrations. she loved her braids!! So she was being silly and making faces...
Posing in front of the Christmas tree

How did she grow up so fast???
My silly girl!

My parents decided to come by and give Emily her birthday presents just a few days early! 

A cute outfit!!

Ohhh and art thingy! Her favorite :)

A barbie hair salon??? OMG!

What is this huge present??

Oh my gosh!!!!!

Grandpa made me a high chair for my dolls!!!!!
 Later that day, Barb our neighbor came over and asked if she could make some chocolate covered goodies with Em. Barb is so sweet! So here is her and Em making treats for us!

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