Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Our Trip to Hayward 2009

As most of you know, we go to Hayward every year with the whole family. This year was the first year with all 3 grandkids. Mikaiya is 3, Emily is 18 months and Braenna is as you can imagine it was quite the experience!!! The first half of the trip involved cold and rainy weather - so it got a little chaotic. Eventually we would take the kids outside into the garage and just bundle them up. Let them burn off some energy.

Then that would get chaotic. So we'd haul them all back inside!! ha ha

Grammy was in charge of bath's each night...better her than us!!!! It was a nice break to not have to do baths and it was so fun to watch her keep each child happy! ha ha

Finally after a few days the sun came out, so the little ones got on their bathing suits and went down to the lake!!!

Throughout the week we tried...very hard to get a nice picture of all 3 girls. It never's the best we got:

Here is Uncle Mike showing Emme how to drink a REAL beer:

My little angel...all grown up!!!!

We all had a great time...just hoping next year is a little more relaxing and a little less chasing munchkins around!!!!!

1 comment:

kristen said...

looks like you had a fun time in hayward! looks a little busy though!! anyway, glad you had a good trip and I hope emily's eye is doing better. take care, miss you guys!