We had planned to go to Indiana this past weekend for the Marion family reunion, but unfortunately had to pack up a few days early because Kory's grandpa passed away. Grandpa Ralph had been very sick for a while and it was his time to go (in my opinion). We had gone to see him a few weeks prior while he was hospitalized, and mentally he was still there - but physically his body just was not cooperating. We are both so glad that we had the opportunity to talk with him and tell him how much we loved him and how much we would miss him. Kory and Gramps also got to share a few of there funny jokes with each other, and it was very special. Emily colored him a lot of pictures to hang up in his room too. I am so very, very sad that Grandpa is gone, but so very, very happy that he is no longer in pain. So although it appears we had a lot of fun this past weekend based on all the pictures and videos, keep in mind that we sadly grieved for Grandpa Miiller on Wed, Thu and Fri - then celebrated the Marion family on Sat.
Emily, Owen and Zander eating their apples for a snack
Here is Grandpa fixing his old ATV - apparently the throttle was stuck:
The cars were quite a big hit! Here is Em and Zpants - I can just picture these two 11 years from now in a real car!!! SCARY!
Shooting off rockets with Grandpa
Emme and Daddy all ready for Grandpa's burial
Rory all decked out! Looking good buddy!!!
Mommy and Em all ready!
Love this one of Em and AJ. He is such a good big cousin. Was such a big help with all the kids.
Hot tamale! Kalli and Mark looking good!!
Em and Z - aren't they so adorable????
Yes, that is my daughter with a gun. Luckily AJ is very good with gun safety and was helping her shoot it out in the farm field
Um....someone needs to back up!!!!
Goodland Fire Dept here to get the rocket out of the tree
Watching the Goodland Fire Dept trying to get the rocket :)
Oh my!
Here Tony is getting the rocket out of the tree:
Love this pic of AJ and Owen. Such cuties!
Em got a rocket!!!!
Kacey had a great idea and brought some lanterns for us to let off in honor of Gramps. So at dusk on the evening of the burial, all the immediate family met at the cemetary and let off the lanterns. Grandma just loved them. It was fun to just be the family and we told some stories. Kurt even set a deck of Uno cards on Gramp's grave. He is saying "ba-loo" up in Heaven :)
Family trying to light the lanterns
Grandma sitting in her walker while Kory tries to light one of the lanterns
Kacey, Bonnie, Tyler and Kory lighting one - you can see Gramp's gravestone right behind them
The last lantern of the night - Grandma got to let that one go. She loved it!!!
We love ya gramps!!! Miss you so much!
Oh that silly Aunt Tammy! Her gravestone is right next to Grandma/Grandpa's so she was practicing laying there :) As you can see we were all being a little silly after a very serious and sad 2 days. It felt good to laugh.
Emily loving on Maddox!!!!
One of my favorite pics of the entire weekend! All the little kiddos except baby Liam.
Awe...cousins love! Owen and Emmers.
We stopped at Kim & Kevin's and he let Kory give tractor rides. This is Kory's great-grandfather's tractor. He loved EVERY minute!!!!
Here is Emily driving the tractor:
More tractor rides
Me, Kalli and Kacey at the farm
More tractor rides.
Em found a tractor just her size...shhhh...don't tell Briar :)
Kory and Rory
Singing a song to baby Liam - he loved it! Wish I would have gotten his face better!!
Uhh...Uncle Kurt.....do a little dance! Ha!
Emily giving Kurt an ATV ride
Weanie roast!
Yum! Hot dogs from the campfire
Even some of Kory's extended family stopped by! Was good to see the Furrer family.
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